Fleetwood Gym Amateur Boxing Club pride ourselves on being a very welcoming, inclusive and friendly club for everyone. 

Our Code of Conduct exists to ensure we can create a safe environment for all our members who wish to learn how to box, improve their fitness, socialise and be part of our community. 

We always encourage positive behaviours and attitudes at Fleetwood Gym ABC and we ask that all members, staff, volunteers, participants and parents understand and adhere to the Club’s Code of Conduct so that everyone can enjoy and participate in our activities.

If any member of Fleetwood Gym ABC does not adhere to the Code of Conduct and/or behaves in an unsporting or other inappropriate way towards one or more other members, staff, parents or guests or acts in any way that detracts from the ethos of the Club, concerns should be first raised directly with lead coach in attendance. 

If this is not possible or appropriate, concerns should be raised first with the Welfare Officer or Secretary, as soon as possible to determine the required action and offer support. This may lead to formalising a complaint.  

Discipline and Appeals

  • Formal complaints are preferred in writing and sent to the Welfare Officer or Secretary, however if this is not immediately possible or appropriate, the committee member will support the individual to formalise the complaint in writing.

  • The Welfare Officer or Secretary, with the Chair(s) may delegate the complaint to the most appropriate committee member to investigate and/or action. 

  • The assigned Committee member, Welfare Officer, Secretary and Chair(s) will meet to hear complaints within 30 days of a complaint being lodged.

  • The committee has the power to take appropriate disciplinary action which may include:

    • Informal discussion

    • Conduct an investigation

    • Issue a formal warning

    • Suspend the member from the club for a set period of time

  • Termination of membership to the club and be asked to leave the club permanently

  • The outcome of a disciplinary hearing should be notified in writing to the person who lodged the complaint and the member against whom the complaint was made within 14 days of the hearing. 

  • There will be the right of appeal to the committee following disciplinary action being announced. The committee should consider the appeal within 30 days of the Secretary receiving the appeal.